01 June 2010

I Am Blogging To Bring Down The Chandelier

You'd never get away with all this in a play, but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue, it's just the sort of story audiences adore - in fact, a perfect opera!


So today I officially had the best birthday ever.

It involved trains and portraits and mysterious masked murderers and CAKE.

That actually sounds a bit like a book summary. Okay, dear reader, I admit it wasn't quite novel-worthy. But it was certainly blog-worthy!

My mom and I took the train to London this morning and, after navigating through the Underground for about half an hour, emerged somewhere near Trafalgar Square. It's easy to see why there are so many dystopian and sci-fi novels set around the London Underground - it really is like an entirely different world. When we surfaced - being England - it was raining. This meant that I couldn't slide down the lions at the base of Nelson's Column, unfortunately.

Since we had about two hours to kill, and the museum was between us and our eventual destination, we decided we'd visit the National Gallery. Mom spent the whole time mocking the genitalia of the religious paintings. Also, can any wise person explain the significance of pickles in 15th Century Italian altarpieces? We spotted about six. It was most puzzling.

We were kicked out of - ahem. I mean, we left the gallery about an hour and a half of mockery later.

Yes, I'm deliberately leaving you in suspense.


...okay, I'll tell you. We went to see Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre.

It was, basically, amazing. The costumes were beautiful, the sets were clever, the pyrotechnics... unexpected, and the cast stellar. (I'm restraining myself from using exclamation marks because if I start, I won't be able to stop.) I loved it. ...More flippantly, I liked the fact that the Phantom was rescued from a circus freakshow. Maybe when I escape from being a freak I will also be a genius! Lots to look forward to!

As you probably know, my greatest ambition is to act in a West End musical. Phantom did nothing to discourage me.

Also, now I'm going to be singing songs with mildly disturbing lyrics all week. ;)

(Exit stage left, singing to self.) Soooftly, deeeftly, music will careeeessss yoouuu... heeeaar it, feeel it seeeecretly posseeeessss yooooouuuu... da da doobie dooo, doobie doo bie doobie dooo... doo doo da doo, the music of the niiiiiight.

P.S. It! Was! Freaking! Awesome! Exclamation! Mark! Ahem. Sorry.

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